I just watched the presentation of Phil Young at Shmoocon 2013: “Mainframed: the secrets inside that black box“. Mainframes are not dead, why not pentesting it? ISPF menus list the functions that are most frequently needed by online users. In fact, many use ISPF exclusively for performing work on z/OS®. After logging on to TSO, users typically access the ISPF menu. ISPF includes a text editor and browser, and functions for locating and listing files and performing other utility functions. ISPF is a full panel application navigated by keyboard. This page presents information and links for several SPF style editors, macros for REXX and C, help and colorization files.
Tried many PC editors but have yet to find an editor as capable as SPF. Started using ISPF on IBM Main Frame over 34 years ago. If you use copycode with multiple 01 levels, ISPF/VSAM Utility can present you with the 01 level. The TYP field contains a code describing the USAGE of the field (ie TYP 3 corresponds to a USAGE of COMP-3). Edit/copy/define VSAM files from TSO/ISPF 5 EC (Edit with Copycode) or BC (Browse with Copycode) provides a panel similar to the following. Please try this and let me know if it works. This will command will change all the occurences of the abc word in the pds to def. Open the pds.then issue the command g c all 'abc' 'def'.